CraneScript is a data-flow script language.
CraneScript describes a software system or a program in a data flow perspective.
In data flow perspective a system is consisted of three kinds of elements: data, data processing unit(module) and data-flow. The work of programming is to describe which data or modules consist the system and how connect them using data-flow.
A typical "hello world" craneScript code is:
In craneScript, a program also can be describe as a data flow diagram.
CraneScript is derived from C++ and is designed to be compliant with C++. So more of its keywords are derived from C++.
$ | // | ///* | //*/ | #include | import | struct | module | flow | flwMAIN | thread |
char | short | int | long | float | double | unsigned | number | string | any | array |
* | . | , | ; | () | [] | {} | <> | " | ' | > |
< | >> | << | INP | IOP | OUTP |
Keyword "$" is preserved for announce of a new possible keyword when it start with "$".
Keyword "//" indicates a comment line.
Pair of keywords "///*" and "//*/" indicate a comment block.
Keyword "." is the member access notation for module or struct which have members.
Keyword ";" is used to close a clause.
Pair of keywords "{" and "}" is used to denote a clauses body for struct, module and flow.
CraneScript is a strong type language. CraneScript provides a set of basic data types and user defined data type struct. CraneScript also provides a template container array for more complex data type.
Crane provides almost all basic number data type of C/C++. The basic data type can use to declare a variance, a member of struct or a port type of module.
Type | length | Range |
char | 8 bits | -128~127, usally use for indicating an ASC-II character |
unsigned char | 8 bits | 0~255 |
short | 16 bits | -32768~32767 |
unsigned short | 16 bits | 0~65535 |
int | 32 bits | -2147483648~2147483647 |
unsigned int | 32 bits | 0~4294967295 |
long | 32/64 bits | -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 ~ 9,223,372,036,854,775,807(64 bits) |
unsigned long | 32/64 bits | 0 ~ 18,446,744,073,709,551,615(64 bits) |
float | 32 bits | single-precision float |
double | 64 bits | double-precision float |
CraneScript accepts four types of immediate.
immediate | format | note |
char | one character included by ' ', for example: 'h', or a hexal format '\xFF' where A~F must be uppercase | corresponding to a char type |
string | any characters included by "", for example: "hello world" | corresponding to an char array |
int | an integer value, for example:10 | corresponding to int type |
double | a numeric value, for example:10.1 or 123.456 | corresponding to double type |
Keyword struct is used to indicate an user defined data type. It is a pure data structure and any member function will not be permmited. Its member type can be a basic data type or other predefined struct.
Array is a system defined container. It has a template parameter included by pair "<" and ">" to indicate the type of data.
CraneScript provides a set of system defined modules for operating an array container.
Module is the keyword used to declare the interface of a data processing unit. Usually, make a module work needs some input data, and when module works completely, it will product some output data. CraneScript use keyword INP to denote data input port and OUTP for output port. When a data port is IOP means the data port is a input&output port where the input data will be modified in module.
CraneScript provides two kinds of virual data type number & any for defining module port type. When an INP or IOP port is declared as a number type, it means the port accept any type of basic number data from char to double. When it is any means any type can be accept. When an OUTP is declared as number type means its output data will change following input data type in the range of basic number types. An any OUTP port means the output data will be any type corresponding to the input data.
There are two kinds of streams in craneScript: data stream and control stream.
A data steam is denoted by operator >>. When two ports are linked by >> means the data is transformed from left port to right port. Operator >> also can be used to link more than one ports means a broadcast data transform from the first port to others.
The default transform type of data stream is by reference but when target port is a struct member means the data will be used to construct a new data struct where the data will be copyed from source to target.
When data transform in a reference manner, it requires both data are the same type. However when data copy emerges, data value transform from defferent types will be accepted.
Operators > and < denote control streams used to link modules.
Operators > denotes a succuessful control stream, it works not in broadcast manner but a transfer manner means right module will run when left one is sucessful.
Operator < denotes a failed broadcast control stream means the first left module will be trigger when any one of right modules go failed.
Both of data stream and control stream are multi-triggered means a port or module can has multiple left trigger when one of them becomes active it will be triggered.
The keyword flow is used to define a data processing procedure. To define a flow procedure needs two parameters: the first is the flow name, the second is an existing module name used to declare the flow interfaces. That is to say, when a flow is assigned a module the flow will have the same input and output ports as the module. The flow procedure should be put between a pair of "{" and "}".
In craneScript, user can write craneScript code in different craneScript files and refrence each other by the keword "#include".
In order to provide more efficient data processing ability, craneScript supports to import exntened modules (usually written by C++) from a dynamic lib by using the keyword "import". A typical example is the lib "stdCRN" provided by craneScript. In which, craneScript defines a set of basic operators.
When refrence an outside module the file/lib name(without extension) must be provided before module name sperated by "::", just like the usage of namespace in C++.
In craneScript, the entrance of a program is the flow procedure which name is flwMAIN and interface is Module. The module Module is a system predefined empty module without input and output.
CraneScript provides a set of system defined modules for basic data operating by an extended dynamic lib. The system predefined modules are collected in "stdCRN.h".
Instead of symbolic definition explicitly in language system, Crane defines arithmetic operators as a set of relative data processing modules as following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlADD |
mdlSUB |
mdlMUL |
mdlDIV |
mdlINCfilter |
y=y+1 |
mdlINC |
y=x+1 |
mdlDECfilter |
y=y-1 |
mdlDEC |
y=x-1 |
mdlCntDOWNfilter |
when y<=0 go to failed otherwise y=y-1 |
mdlCntDOWN |
when x<=0 go to failed otherwise y=x-1 |
mdlMODfilter |
y=y mod x |
mdlMOD |
y=x0 mod x1 |
mdlString |
convert number input x to string output y |
The modules of bitwise operations are provided as the following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlAND |
mdlOR |
mdlNOT |
mdlXOR |
The modules of logic operations are defined as the following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlTRUE |
fail while x is 0 |
mdlFALSE |
fail while x is not 0 |
mdlEQ |
fail while x0!=x1 |
mdlGT |
fail while x0<=x1 |
mdlGE |
fail while x0<x1 |
The modules of string operations are provided as the following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlStringSize |
mdlStringCHAR |
mdlStringPushfilter |
Push string sub at end of string y |
mdlStringPush |
string y=x+sub |
mdlStringSub |
mdlStringFirstCHAR |
find the first char c which is one of Cs and its position y >=start |
mdlStringLastCHAR |
find the last char c which is one of Cs and its position y <=start |
mdlStringFirstSub |
find the first position y of substring sub in string x |
mdlStringLastSub |
find the last position of substring sub in string x |
mdlStringReplacefilter |
replace substring of string y between left and right with sub |
mdlStringReplace |
replace substring of string x between left and right with sub and put the result in y |
mdlStringSplit |
split string x with string SEG and put the results into array aY |
mdlStringLink |
link all strings in array aY into one string x |
mdlStringUppercasefilter |
Convert all lowcase char of y to uppercase |
mdlStringUppercase |
Convert all lowcase char to uppercase in string x and put result to y |
mdlStringLowcasefilter |
Convert all uppercase char of y to lowcase |
mdlStringLowcase |
Convert all uppercase char to lowcase in string x and put the result to y |
The modules of array operations are provided as the following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlArrayINITfilter |
mdlArraySize |
mdlArrayItem |
mdlArrayInsert |
mdlArrayRemove |
mdlArrayPush |
insert x to the end of aX |
mdlArrayPop |
remove the last item of aX |
The modules for interacting with system stdin & stdout are defined as the following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlSTDIN |
mdlGetCHAR |
The modules file operations are defined as the following.
system module | definition | action |
mdlFileExist |
mdlFileOpen |
mdlFileClose |
mdlFileGetC |
mdlFilePutC |
mdlFileReadLine |
mdlFileWriteLine |
mdlFileReadArray |
mdlFileWriteArray |
In crane, sometimes user need known the exact data type of an output port declared with a virtual type. For this purpose crane provide several type operation modules.
system module | definition | action |
mdlType |
y is typename of x |
mdlTypeIS |
if type of x is not y go failed |
mdlTypeEQ |
if type of x is not equal to type of y go failed |
Except operating module, craneScript also predefined two usually used modules.
system module | definition | action |
Module |
mdlCmdLine |
mdlSystem |
mdlPopen |
mdlCACHE |
mdlSETfilter |
The above is the smallest necessary module defininitions embeded in interpreter. Find more modules in download.
CraneScript has no definition of flow control keywords such as "if", "else", "switch", "for", "while", "until", and so on. The flow control in craneScript is archieved in two ways: data stream and control stream.
Data stream is a data-driven flow control machnism. It works in a hidden way.
When a module run sucessful, it will launch its output data to the following module.
When all input data of the following module go ready it will be put into scheduling queue.
Specially, at the beginning of program, the modules without any input data will first put into scheduling queue.
Inversely, when a module went failed it will not launch any output data which implys the modules depending its output will lost chance to be scheduled.
This is the data-driven machnism of craneScript.
The output of this code is:
Control stream is the another way of flow control in craneScript. It is an obervious, user directly defined runing order of modules.
If without control stream code line 7, the output of this will be:
, otherwise the output is:
In some scenes some data usually need to be relaunched to trigger its following modules repeatly. Module 'mdlCACHE' is the system defined module for such situation which only cache the input data and can be trigger by an arbitrary module in control stream.
In this code, use mdlCACHE c0,c1 to repeat lanuch data, and c0,c1,c2 to control the data trigger order to STDOUT p, the output of this code is:
line: 1
line: 2
line: 3
line: 4
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